Concep Art

What is important to me is the artistic freedom in illustrations. I begin with concise sketches that serve as notes for building atmosphere through light and color. This approach applies to landscapes, character individuality, and the technical nature of vehicles, objects, machines, and architecture. I intentionally omit details at times, while at others, a single detail sparks the creation of an entire concept


A thumbnail of the image building process from sketch, through value, to the final image with details.

Nocturne 1923

The process of building an image from sketch, through value, to the final image with details.


Nocturne thumbnail.


Nocturne thumbnail.

Thundercore Tank

A silhouette of a tank from three different views and a monochrome miniature of a winter landscape.

Time Machine III

Black guard vehicle, sketch, value, location in landscape space.

Full portfolio Concept Art

If you want to see more of my work, I invite you to take a look at my portfolio on Artstation. There you can find all my 2D illustrations.